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Bacteria de novo Sequencing

De novo sequencing is an effective mothed to acquire a novel genome without reference genome. To comprehend the Bacteria genome structure and protein function, the genome assembly and annotation are available. Personalbio offers two projects including Bacteria draft genome and complete genome by using various sequencing platforms in Bacteria genome sequencing. The integrate strategy  was provided from DNA extraction to personalized analysis by supervision of experts.

Project Workflow

Bacteria de novo sequencing-项目流程.png

Project Parameters

Bacteria de novo sequencing-项目参数、.png

DNA amount* mentioned above is just for once experiment. In fact, three times DNA is recommended in library construction. 

No contamination* means the DNA should be provided with the OD260/280 ratio 1.8-2.0 and OD260/230 ratio 2.0-2.2.