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Prokaryotic Communities in Multidimensional Bottom-Pit-Mud from Old and Young Pits Used for the Production of Chinese Strong-Flavor Baijiu



The  pit mud (PM) prokaryotic communities with obvious difference between  old and young PM is essential for solid-fermentation of Chinese  Strong-Flavor Baijiu. The bottom-PM (BPM) is considered more important.  In this study, the multidimensional prokaryotic communities of old and  young BPMs were investigated. The old BPM presented stratified  difference within the depth of 0–7 cm, especially, the surface 0–1 cm  was characteristic of dominant Caproiciproducens (34.79%). The  young BPM showed significant difference between quarter/center and deep  corner (1–7 cm), the former were characteristic of abundant Lactobacillus (12.80%–42.72%), while the deep corner was distinctive of dominant Caproiciproducens (17.85%–64.45%). The lactic acid, pH and soluble Ca2+  were considered as the 3 most significant environmental factors through  redundancy analysis (RDA). This study may help illuminate the BPM aging  process, and allow the future artificial regulation of young BPM.

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